PHYSICS Forces: The Glider
THERMO – PuttPutt Lesson Plans
PHYSICS Kinematics: Mouse Trap Car
PHYSICS Conservation of Energy: Chain Reaction
T4T Simple Machines Samples
PHYSICS Momentum & Impulse: Egg Drop
PHYSICS Waves & Sound: Building the Band
PHYSICS Electricity: Electric House Project
PHYSICS Electricity & Magnetism: Headphones Design
POWERPOINT of Electricity & Magnetism projects
PHYSICS Electricity: Electric House Project
PHYSICS Electricity & Magnetism: Headphones Design
POWERPOINT of Electricity & Magnetism projects
Natural Selection lesson plans
Forces – Scramble Car lesson plans
Forces – Scramble Car student sheets
Earth Space Science – Energy Resources lesson plans
8th Grade Forces & Motion: Overview
8th Grade Forces and Motion: 5E Lesson Plan Matrix
8th Grade Forces and Motion – Student Handouts
Lesson 1: Zip-Line
Lesson 2: Balloon Car
Lesson 7: Incline
Lesson 9: Culminating Task
8th Grade Chemistry: Overview
8th Grade Chemistry: 5E Lesson Plans
8th Grade Chemistry: Student Handouts
WAVES – 4th Grade